The Well


Welcome to The Well

The Well was created to be a hub–a place for teachers to get what they need so they have the energy, mindset, and motivation necessary to show up each and every day as their best.

Whether you are just getting started in your educational career, a seasoned veteran, or a teacher who is looking for something more when it comes to teacher development.  Grab your bucket and let’s get started! The Well will not only add value to who you are, but more importantly impact what you do.

What You Get


Unlike other programs, The Well is specifically designed to address the socio-emotional needs of the teacher, with an emphasis on personal development and leadership. The ultimate goal? Pour back into the teacher and develop them as a whole.

At The Well, we understand that when we put teachers and their needs first, we have the ability to elevate who they are, how they show up, as well as increase the impact they make.

Ready to start?

You can join The Well and get access to everything we have to offer and even bring The Well to your school by connecting us with your leadership.

Get Started
  • 60+ power packed teachings on
    • Mindset, Stress Management, Emotional Intelligence, Burn-out and more!
  • 3.5 hours of training materials
    • Easy to Access
    • Short Format Videos
    • Built In Note-Taking Abilities
  • Work at your pace around your schedule
Get Equipped
  • Built in Resource Guide
    • Comprehensive guide to deepen understanding and solidify learning
  • Classroom implementation ideas – 
    • Captivating strategies to integrate these lessons in the classroom with students
  • Fresh Content Monthly – new releases
Get Connected
  • Community of  like minded educators
    • Opportunity to connect and collaborate with other educators
  • Ongoing Virtual Mentoring
    • Support to meet all the needs you have that aren’t addressed in typical staff meetings and teacher credentialing programs
  • Meaningful useful/practical tools and ideas that will result in big positive changes
1 %
teachers feel like they are thriving
1 %
teachers considering leaving the profession
1 %
teachers struggling with burnout
1 %
our committment to helping teachers

Our Purpose​

Our purpose is to positively impact the teaching profession by giving teachers access to the knowledge and tools necessary to add value to who they are and what they do, so they are able to impact the students they teach.

Our Contribution

Our contribution is working to solve the teaching crisis by developing grounded, confident, emotionally sound, and superbly equipped education professionals who are thriving and not looking for a way out.


The Well is a great personal development program that has made me stop and self examine what I really need to be a better teacher. It has shown me that looking at my personal needs can really help in a big way in my classroom.

Stacy 1st Grade Teacher, California

Being a teacher during these challenging times has changed me forever. Knowing that my students need more from me than ever, all while I am trying to figure it all out for myself has been exhausting. The Well is a blessing to educators and teachers alike. It is refreshing to see that there are others out there trying to reignite that flame and rejuvenate themselves in this profession. I truly enjoyed the mini workshops and team building activities.

Raquel 5th Grade Teacher, California

Speaking as an educator who relies on post-it notes, we all need reminders. Andrea Gebhardt, and The Well, gently remind you to take care of yourself. The Well helps you connect deeper with yourself, and your boundaries, as well as helping you get back your passion for education. I am thrilled that this resource is available! A teacher wellness focused platform is very much needed and long overdue.

Keara Assistant Principal, California

Within the first 5 minutes I was hooked! This is exactly what teachers need right now!! I’ve been in education for 21 years and seeing something like this for educators is refreshing and exciting! I cannot wait to dive in and fill my bucket.

Charmin SEL Intervention Teacher, Minnesota

The Well is a beautifully designed, innovative platform for developing the hearts and minds of professionals. The Well encompasses topics and deeply rooted human experiences that breathe life into the community they serve. I highly recommend this trauma informed resource for systems looking to increase the resiliency, retention, personal development and emotional well-being of their staff.

Dr. Sésha Zinn PsyD

The Well has many topics that are relevant to today’s teachers. While all the topics provided tips and tricks that I can immediately use in my classroom, I was really able to dig in and examine the areas of my own life where I need a little extra help. The Well is a great place to take what you need to pour into yourself!

Amanda Kindergarten- California
    Ready to Fill Your Bucket?

    GO. GET. GIVE.